“Big Law Confidential” by D.W. Randolph has been released worldwide. This comprehensive work takes a deep dive into the often-hidden realities of Big Law – the massive, for-profit law firms that rank among the wealthiest and most powerful organizations in business today. These organizations are notoriously opaque, and D.W. Randolph has gathered many years of experience into this first-of-its-kind book to unpack, explain, and illuminate the realities of Big Law. From introducing key players to describing industry economics and dynamics, showing the real process behind earning a promotion to breaking down the recruitment and hiring process, Randolph lays out a complete picture of Big Law, as well as fundamental guidance for anyone looking to start or build a career in the law.
With an exhaustive collection of inside information, important questions to consider, resources, and actionable tips, the book breaks down every aspect of working in Big Law, providing clear guidance for anyone considering, or currently undertaking, this demanding career path.
Whoever the reader is, and whatever their questions about Big Law, this is the book for them – from law students wondering if a career in Big Law is the right choice, to attorneys currently working at Big Law firms who want to move up in the ranks and build a lucrative, successful career.
Based on extensive, firsthand experience at Am Law 100 firms as a practicing attorney and partner, in leadership roles, and a variety of capacities surrounding Big Law, including teaching at a prestigious law school, D.W. Randolph has compiled a thorough, deeply informative book that answers every conceivable question about what really happens in Big Law.
Big Law Confidential: The Comprehensive Guide to the Large Law Firm Work Experience in the U.S. (ISBN: 9798987017210) can be purchased through Amazon. The hardcover retails for $24.99, and the e-book retails for $9.99, or free with Kindle Unlimited. Review copies and interviews are available upon request by contacting the publisher through https://biglawconfidential.com/.
From the back cover:
“Everyone who wants to work in Big Law, who is currently working in Big Law, or who works with someone at a Big Law firm, should read this book!” – Former Am Law 100 law firm partner
Big Law Confidential is your chance to gain access to inside information that the management of Big Law firms have obscured from many of their own attorneys, clients, and others for decades, and to understand what working in Big Law is really like.
– Attorneys currently working at Big Law firms who want to:
• better understand the inner workings of their firm and the perspectives of other attorneys they work with (e.g., partners or firm management);• obtain tips to survive, thrive, and succeed in Big Law practice;• find out what it really takes to earn a promotion;• gain an advantage over their peers who don’t read this book;• make the most of their time in Big Law; and/or• successfully exit from a Big Law firm
– Law students trying to determine whether a career in Big Law is right for them or who want to know what to expect from working for a Big Law firm.
– Legal Recruiters who want to better understand their clients and market, to more successfully place attorneys in Big Law firm roles.
– Law school professors and staff who want to better understand a major employment market for law students who graduate from their law school.
– Members of the media reporting on Big Law firms.
– Members of the judiciary and government who work with attorneys in Big Law firms.
– Clients (organizations and individuals who employ Big Law firms).
– College students who are considering attending law school and/or potentially working for a Big Law firm (e.g., as a paralegal during college, or as an attorney after law school).
– People who care about the people listed above (e.g., family members, friends, and significant others) who want to better understand Big Law firms and/or what the people working in them or with them are going through.
Written by a partner at one of the world’s top Big Law firms, with a legal career spanning three decades at multiple top law firms in New York City and another large U.S. city. The author has held firmwide and office-level leadership positions within their Big Law firms, and has been involved in nearly all facets of Big Law firm operations and administration. The author graduated with honors from one of the top-10 law schools in the U.S. and has taught at one of the top-14 law schools in the U.S.
About the author:
The author is or was a partner, rainmaker, and practice leader at an Am Law 100 firm who practiced law at Big Law firms for many years, including an Am Law/Vault top-20-ranked law firm in New York City, and another Am Law 100 law firm in another large U.S. city. The author: (i) has served in firm-wide and office-level leadership positions within their Big Law firms; (ii) has been involved in the hiring, compensation, promotion, performance evaluation, and termination processes for summer associates and attorneys in Big Law firms; and (iii) has also served on and worked with multiple committees, groups, and individuals (including C-suite officers) within Big Law firms. The author has received numerous national, statewide, and firm awards recognizing the author’s contributions to the legal profession, pro bono causes, and diversity and inclusion efforts, including recognition as one of the best attorneys among a very small subset of attorneys nationwide. The author graduated with honors from a law school consistently ranked by U.S. News & World Report as one of the top-10 law schools in the United States and has taught at a law school consistently ranked by U.S. News & World Report as one of the top-14 law schools in the United States. The author has intentionally omitted nearly all identifying information and published Big Law Confidential under a pen name to make it possible to freely share information and write about their experiences (as well as the experiences of their law school classmates, friends, and colleagues) while working in Big Law firms in the U.S. Big Law Confidential is the author’s first published book.
Media ContactCompany Name: MindStir Media LLCContact Person: Jen McNabneyEmail: Send EmailPhone: 800-767-0531Address:1 New Hampshire Ave Suite 125City: PortsmouthState: NHCountry: United StatesWebsite: https://mindstirmedia.com/